London Chamber Orchestra

The UK’s First professional chamber orchestra

Upcoming Concerts


‘…a world premiere by Freya Waley-Cohen, LCO composer in residence this season. Her highly effective Pocket Cosmos – she quotes the novelist Ursula K Le Guin and poet Rebecca Tamás as her starting points – moves from a bubbling, popping, feathered array of orchestral sounds to a quiet, eerie, interior world. Now more people should hear it.’

Fiona Maddocks, Art critic (The Guardian)
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Who we are

Innovating orchestral music for over a century

The London Chamber Orchestra has been redefining orchestral music in the UK for over a century. We are proud of who we are and our musicians, soloists, and composers create unforgettable experiences, inspiring and captivating audiences. But we’re more than just an orchestra.


The History of LCO

Over 100 Years of Exceptional Music

Founded by Anthony Bernard in 1921, the London Chamber Orchestra (LCO) stands as the United Kingdom’s first professional chamber orchestra and has recently celebrated its centenary.

LCO Music Junction is the London Chamber Orchestra’s unique outreach and education project.

Music Junction is open to all; from those who may never have touched a musical instrument, through to those incredibly accomplished musicians at the highest student level – and everyone in-between!

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Transforming lives through music
£8/month £80/annum