Supporters and Partnerships

We would like to warmly thank all our individuals, organisations and trusts & foundations whose generous support allows us to deliver our pioneering music education project and the highest quality orchestral concerts, to bring the joy of music to all.
For more information on supporting and partnering with us, please click below.

Statutory Funder

We were extremely fortunate and grateful to receive support from the 

Arts Council England Cultural Recovery Fund


LCO Development Committee

The LCO Development Committee generously enrich our work, by sharing their expertise and networks and helping to develop our audiences, partnerships and family of supporters. Their support is hugely valuable, much appreciated and absolutely vital to the orchestra.


Michael Timinis (Chair)
Jane Asher
Maggie Crowe OBE
George Kharazishvili
Elsina Khayrova
Nina Plowman
David Samuels
Luciana Soriano

LCO Together Members

Michael Timinis
Jane Asher
Dr. Debashis Bhattacharya
Helen Bradlow
Wilton & Catherine Connor
Maggie Crowe OBE
Countess Paola Kovacz von Csazy
Hywell Davies
Fred Davis
Simon & Dierdre Gaskell
Peter Jamieson
Peter & Sharon Kallos
Marta Kinally
Edward Longstaff
Stephen Louis
Martin & Roni Lovegrove
Loy and Susan McKeithen
Julian Payne
Nina Plowman
Gail Rundle
Alan Sainer
Luciana Soriano
Philip & Liz Stephens (Principal Cello Sponsors)
Marion Timm
Rev. John and Carol Wates
Prof. Martin Weale

Historic Supporters

The Countess of Chichester
Lord David Brownlow
Christopher A. Holder
David & Claudia Harding
Lady Marina Hobson OBE
Mark Redman
Hamdi & Pamela Conger
Josh & Elizabeth Critchley
Pierre & Mandana Gaulier
Adam & Natasha Islef
David & Laura Lomer
Richard & Elaine Oblath
Nick & Cecile Sealy
Mathew Hutchinson
Prof Keith Mander
Brendan & Suzi McInerney
Chris & Gill Nicol
Michael & Wendy Max
Hugh & Mavis Ogus
Graham & Margery Turner
Maureen Everett
Matti Egon – Support of Principal Bassoon – in memory of Nicholas Egon

Trusts and Foundations

Current Supporters

Arts Council England
Chivers Trust
Fidelio Charitable Trust
The Foyle Foundation
John Lyon’s Charity
The Marchus Trust
The Saxophone and Clarinet Society
Shanly Foundation
The Souter Charitable Trust
Vaughan Williams Foundation
A generous anonymous Foundation

The Childhood Trust
The Garrick Charitable Trust
Garfield Weston Foundation
PRS Foundation

Transforming lives through music
£8/month £80/annum