Watch LCO's Online Concert here
19:30 Airs & Organists
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Welcome to the final online concert of our 20/21 season
Online Concert Programme
Andrée Concert Overture
Annamaria Kowalsky Rhizom
Poulenc Organ Concerto
Conductor Chloé van Soeterstède
Presenter/Organ Soloist Anna Lapwood

This Pride month we are proud to share our platform with Opening Doors London
Opening Doors is the largest UK charity providing activities, events, information and support services specifically for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, non-binary or gender fluid (LGBTQ+) people over 50. Opening Doors is here to support LGBTQ+ people over 50 to live full, vibrant and respected lives free from isolation, loneliness, discrimination and prejudice. We are here to let LGBTQ+ people over 50 know they are not alone.
18:45 Pre-concert Q&A
With Gina McCormack (leader), Ciaran McCabe (violinist) and Alison Alty (oboist)
Send us a question
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